IR Contact

Contact us by Internet

The main information for the shareholder is available on the internet. You can find your shareholding position, transaction statement, payment notice, income report and subscription bulletin.

Shareholders who have an account at Itaú can easily and quickly consult their shares. Just access your account and follow the following route: Home> Investments> My investments> Shares carried by Itaú.

In case of non-account holder at Itaú, the consultation can be done with total security at Just select the “Non-account holder tab”, than “I want to register” and follow the steps. The process is simple and completely online.


Service to shareholder

To clarify doubts or obtain information:

Capitals 3003-9285

Other locations 0800-720-9285


Talk to IR

To clarify other doubts or obtain information:

Telephone: +55 (71) 3635-0282

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